Gold Fusion


In the context of our discussion, a “SWEEPSTAKES” can be any type of game or contest which a business uses to promote the sale of products or services. There must be an element of FREE ENTRY, and a LEGITIMATE product or service.
YES! Sweepstakes in general and most sweepstakes software used correctly to promote sale of products and or services, have generally found to be legal when challenged, mainly because of the element of free entry.
NO CONSIDERATION! Most companies run into trouble when there is confusion between the promotional game they are operating and gambling. So, what is the difference? What is gambling and what is not gambling? The difference is not as simple and cut & dried as some software companies want you to think! Let’s look at the most common path most companies take to avoid stepping over the line, and then we will compare how the GOLD FUSION SOFTWARE SUITE’s addresses the issue of compliance.
Each state is unique, and many have lots of hoops you have to jump through in order to be on the right side of the law! The Gold Fusion Software suite offers more options to facilitate compliance than any other internet sweepstakes software company in the industry.*
When challenged, many software companies and sponsors have not been able to prove that they actually issued free entries, or that the free entries were used by a significant portion of their customers or that they had actually awarded prizes to free entries.

By eliminating “chance” the software can be shown to be neither gambling nor a sweepstakes!
By eliminating the element of chance, the Gold Fusion Promotional Game Software system changes the playing field completely!

While it is not our goal to be the biggest hardware supplier in the market, as we said earlier, we do however, want to be the only source you need to set up shop and get started!

Along with purchasing your software package, you may or may not need equipment to go along with it. Consequently, your cost will depend greatly on what you need to get started. If you have everything you need, your start-up cost may be NOTHING! If you need to secure equipment, we can help with specifications and sources.

You are purchasing a E.U.L.A. or in laymen’s terms, a licensed copy of the software. You will have the right to use this software at one location per copy. You may choose to operate when and where you and your legal counsel see fit. While we can provide you contacts and information on the equipment you will need, we are not trying to sell you hardware! We are not trying to be BEST BUY or NEW EGG. That is not our focus. None of this expensive “You can only get this from us.” type servers or workstation terminals! The Gold Fusion Promotional Game Software suite is designed to work across a wide variety of equipment and platforms that allow you to shop just about anywhere and get what you need to get started!
While our software eliminates the element of chance, we cannot do so for the business world! There are way too many variables to try and say with any certainty what your results will be. We can say that our experience has shown that a well-run, thoughtfully located business, in a high traffic area can be highly lucrative! As with any type of business, understanding your industry, your promotions, your customers, your neighborhood and your product all influence the bottom line! The most reliable formula we have seen has a focus on a clean, fun, safe atmosphere, in a good location, with cheerful, people-pleasing staff, that strive to make every customer’s experience enjoyable enough that they never want to leave and they CANNOT WAIT to come back! Part and parcel to the atmosphere is the quality of your equipment, the reliability of your system, and the entertainment value of your promotional games. To find out more about your profit potential with the Gold Fusion Promotional Game Software Suite, Contact us
No matter how pretty your lure, or how smelly your bait, or how well you cast, if there are no fish there, you will not catch anything. This may seem simplistic, but there are tons of people who naively overlooked this simple fact when choosing a location for their business. One mistake we see often in our industry is for business owners to think that for some reason, the regular rules of good business practice do not apply to them.
Is there A SINGLE KEY ingredient to running a successful business with a Game Promotional software? Whether you are planning to operate a standalone Internet Café, or your primary business already exists and you want to grow it with a promotional game software, the answer is NO! No, there is not one single key that if you get that right all will be roses, but there are several key areas that you should focus on. In an industry that is relatively new, it has already been observed that some operators do well no matter where they seem to open. It appears they are successful no matter what, while others limp along for a while and sometimes just by sheer determination to stick to it long enough, they find out what works in their area.

Ok, there has been a HUGE debate in the sweepstakes software, promotional game industry about which method of operation is better, WEB-BASED vs SERVER-BASED software. Let’s discuss the difference between the two.
See the downside? Your business hinges on how well your internet works, and how well the sweepstakes software company secures and maintains your data and their servers. If you lose internet connection, or if your internet connection is degraded, or if internet service between you and your sweepstakes software providers’ server location is interrupted, your customers cannot access the games, you may not be able to access your back office, make sales, redeem awards, generate reports… nothing! NADA!<br>
Proponents of the Web-Based system tout the security and reliability of the web based design by discussing the merits of co-location centers
(To learn more about co-location, click here) and make oblique comparisons to billion dollar companies such as GOOGLE, YAHOO, AMAZON, EBAY and the like!

What they do not mention is that most game promotion software companies are NOT co-located in “high-tech, super-secure, super cooled & super cool” facilities with multiple locations, and multiple, redundant, connections to the internet to prevent loss of service… far from it!

Most sweepstakes software companies do not have the resources or the deep pockets of the lofty mega-companies that are commonly used as a comparison when describing Web-Based systems! More than likely, they are located in a normal office complex or building, with a single point of access to the internet. Rather than a super cool looking facility like something out of EAGLE EYE, most sweepstakes software companies are located in regular office buildings or office complexes, and the HOST computer is a regular rack mounted server computer in their building.
Some sweepstakes software companies have even been found to be operating out of someone’s garage or an apartment!

So, all your data, all your records, all the information you need to run your business is somewhere off site, at a location you do not control, nor likely have access to! Feel better now?

While the average site housing your data may not be as bad as the ones described here, they are usually a far cry from the picture painted by the description most often used of the dependability, convenience and reliability of a Web-Based system.

One software company boasts that they have not had a single miuntes downtime of their server in the last year.

Oh, Goodie! So their HOST was never down! GREAT!!! Can they say the same about the reliability of the internet service providers their customers use?
Nope! No way they can!

So, one more time, if your software is totally WEB-BASED, what happens when the web service is down? Yep! You got it right! Your business is down TOO!

So, What’s the UPSIDE?

Well, proponents of Web-Based systems generally point to several issues:
Cost of Equipment
Low Maintenance Costs
Low Repairs and Replacement Costs
Low Down Time Due to Speed of Updates and Patches
So, with a Web-Based system, you have none of this, right?

In order to operate a Web-Based system, you still have to have:

An I.S.P. connection, to get to the web (Someone has to set that up)
A Local Area Network, (L.A.N.) (Someone has to set that up too!)
A Point of Sale computer. (Some type of computer designated to make sales with, print receipts, etc.)
Client Machines (multiple computer stations connected to your allow your customers access to the system)
A Plan or a Person to Replace/Repair computer and the system when they fail. (Notice I said WHEN, not IF!)
In most cases, you will also have some type of large display, group prize system, as well as possibly other printers, other software, or other non-system computers connected to the internet.

All of this requires some know-how, and some expertise, even if it is minimal, in setting it all up.

The point being, that even with a Web-Based system, you either need to possess some basic computer and networking knowledge or have access to someone who does.
So, Is It All Bad?

No. Don’t get the wrong idea, we agree it’s not all bad! Having your data off-site can be very beneficial if some calamity occurs in your business.
Fire, flood, vandalism, as well as other problems, can all mean loss of data, business records, contact information, customer account info, etc.

If your data is off-site or backed up off-site, you may be able to recover your info, or protect yourself and your business from losing data to vandals, identity thieves and other miscreants!

These are valid reasons to consider a Web-Based system or at least a Web-Based backup to your system.

What about Server-Based systems?

In most cases, Server-Based systems download the software onto a computer system located inside your store.

Temporary loss of internet access does not affect the operation or function of the software, because the HOST software is on your computer, connected to your L.A.N.

Opponents to Server-Based systems cite “server maintenance” and “equipment cost” as reasons to shy away from this “OLD-SCHOOL” technology!
They talk about spending “THOUSANDS” of dollars to purchase a server, and trouble with “AFTER HOURS & WEEKEND” maintenance and service.

While there may be some sweepstakes software companies who require you to buy some specific expensive computer equipment to be the server for your business, we do not!

The Gold Fusion Promotional Game system operates off of standard desktop type PC’s that can be purchased anywhere!

As long as the equipment meets the basic requirements to run the software, it can be used. As we said before, many of our customers were able to use equipment they already had to get set up and going!

So Whats the Upside?

System Reliability!

The upside to a Server-Based system is system reliability! Once the software is on your system in your location, temporary loss of the internet, weak internet signal, loss of internet hub between you and Gold Fusion are no problem.
Game to Game Switching Speed!

Because the software is “in-house”, going from one game to another is fast and smooth! Have you ever waited for something to download from the internet? How did you feel? Think about how your customers feel when they click on a game and get to look at “LOADING” for up to 3 minutes!

Quality of Graphics!

One other upside is the higher quality of the graphics! All Web-Based systems are limited by the internet it’s self in the amount of data being moved and this affects the graphics they are able to display. With Server-Based systems, the base software for the games is loaded onto the client machines and this allows for greater flexibility with graphics and animations!
While we cannot speak for every Server-Based sweepstakes software on the market, the Gold Fusion Promotional Game Software suite utilizes state of the art inter-compartmental communications and information flow controls to overcome the issues most often cited as problems by critics of the Server-Based systems.

Updates, patches, new game releases, are all sent to the location and installed on the servers and clients, in the background, without causing the site to cease operations. Once the new version is in place, it only requires a short shut down and restart of the system to swap from the old version to the new and your site is operational again!

Why Not The Best Of Both??!!

With the Gold Fusion Promotional Game Software suite, you can set up your HOST program on a computer located in your store, in a server room, at a Co-Location Centre, you pick! Once the software is installed on your computers, our Technical Support Team can review your options on where your HOST computer is located.

One of the unique features of the GOLD FUSION PROMOTIONAL GAME SOFTWARE SUITE, that sets it apart from almost any other internet sweepstakes software package, is the ability to customize the software to sell products and services of almost any kind! As the system administrator, you can create a listing of the items and services sold in your café. You can also add them to the system, assign a price, and the number of promotional game credits that will be issued with the sale of that item or service. No other internet sweepstakes software package does that as well as the GOLD FUSION PROMOTIONAL GAME SOFTWARE SUITE! In fact, most don’t do it at all!
Now you might be saying, “No Chance? Wait!…what does this mean? How does this help? How does this work?” All good questions! Let’s address them one at a time. What does this mean? The Gold Fusion Promotional Game Software contains a patent pending feature which allows a contestant, if they so choose to do so, to preview all future plays of a selected game, on the selected machine with the selected settings chosen by the contestant! How does this help? The laws in most states specifically point out that in addition to other relevant details, to be considered gambling, the game must contain the element of chance. How does this work? By allowing the contestant to preview, if they so desire, all future results of play before they play, chance is eliminated! How do we know this? “NOW HEAR THIS!” In 1924 the US Supreme Court said: “What a man does not know and cannot find out is chance as to him, and is recognized as chance by the law.” Click here to see source From this we can logically deduce that what a “man does know, or can find out” is NOT chance to him. Gold Fusion’s patent pending Full Disclosure feature changes Chance to Choice, as the contestants can Choose to know or not to know what their results will be! Because of this feature, the Gold Fusion Promotional Game Software Suite, is NOT a Sweepstakes! Since a sweepstakes does not allow the value of the entries to be know in advance!
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